
DC Comics reveal The Joker’s real name is Jack White, the real Jack White responds

After DC Comics revealed that supervillain The Joker’s real name is Jack White, former White Stripes frontman Jack White has something to say



The iconic comic book character The Joker, commonly regarded as the main supervillain adversary of Batman, has had his true identity revealed.

According to DC Comics, The Joker’s real name is Jack White, not to be confused with the former White Stripes frontman-turned-solo artist, Jack White.

Now, the musician has responded to the revelation, which he describes as a “bizarre pattern and coincidence”, due to the fact that he himself has drawn inspiration from the character as an artist.

Taking to Instagram to share his thoughts, White says: “An interesting note; during the process of putting together the artwork for my album Fear of the Dawn last year, I asked artist Rob Jones to communicate with the amazing DC comic artist Mikel Janin to see if he would be interested in a commission: illustrating me in the range of the style that he draws his version of The Joker for DC comics.”

He continues, “Bizarre patterns and coincidences emerge in the universe that we only see glimpses of at times, some meaningful, some meaningless. A large thank you to Mr. Janin for contributing this wonderful work to the record.”

In another Instagram post, White added: “I’d love to thank DC comics for giving The Joker the name of ‘Jack White’ after me. Though his hair is usually not as blue as mine, I still take it as a flattering gesture on their part and consider it an honour. It was a lonely journey through my life being the only person with that name until now.”

The Joker’s real name was debuted in DC Comics‘ Flashpoint Beyond comic series, a sequel to Flashpoint, which follows the Batman storyline albeit in a different universe. 


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