
Every Dashboard Confessional album ranked

From their classic debut album The Swiss Army Romance to their latest record All The Truth That I Can Tell, we’re ranking every Dashboard Confessional album. Continue reading…



It’s been over 20 years since Chris Carrabba formed Dashboard Confessional in Boca Raton, Florida. in 1999 — since then, the band have become synonymous with early aughts emo. 

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What first began as a side project, with Carrabba branching off from his more punk outfit Further Seems Forever is now a 20-year-old band. After releasing first album as Dashboard in March 2000, Carrabba amassed a whole slew of loyal fans who made sure to learn every single lyric to all of his songs, which makes every concert feel like a campfire singalong. Then the famous frontman branched off, forming alt-country band Twin Forks in 2011, but he always returns to his emo roots. 

Plus, check out the AP Shop for Dashboard Confessional vinyl.

Every Dashboard Confessional album ranked

We’re ranking Dashboard Confessional’s eight studio albums throughout the last two decades.


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