
It’s the weekend, so here’s a guy playing farts on the drums

This is what the drums (and farts) were invented for



Sometimes you watch footage of musicians playing on YouTube, and you can practically smell the sweat and adrenalin coming off them. And then there’s this footage of drum prankster 66Samus, in which you can smell, well, something else entirely.

That’s because this absolute legend has loaded up his electronic drumkit with various fart noise and proceeded to batter seven shades of, well, shit out of it.

Normally we’d have no truck with this kind of childishness, but watching the sheer joy with which Samus rifles through a bunch of samples – some of which are seriously wet – then them in various different musical styles, from ‘ballad’ to (oh yes!) grindcore. 

Sure, it’s juvenile, but it’s also damn funny, The only slightly disturbing things is that we swear we can smell something a bit whiffy by the end of it.


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