Like many musicians who have been affected by the current Covid pandemic, Kyros keyboard player and singer Adam Warne has opened a new Patreon account to offer fans extras in order to bolster his income, admitting “I am now at a point in my life where I am simply not making enough through this pandemic to comfortably pay off my debts and financial commitments without incredible levels of anxiety from month to month.”
Warne has released a shot video clip, which you can watch below, in which he details what will be on offer from his new Patereon account.
“The pandemic has done a fair share of harm to people’s livelihoods. The creative sector has especially taken one heck of a beating, and those who are self-employed are hit especially hard,” he explains. “I fell through the cracks of any kind of government grant as I only registered as self-employed within the last couple of years. The grant requires three previous years of self- assessment tax returns. I am one of the vast amounts of self-employed people who have fallen through the cracks and have been left to figure things out on their own.
“At the moment, I am staying afloat by the skin of my teeth when it comes to the work that I do and the income I make. I offer music video production services as well as mixing and music production services at Old Street Studios in Shoreditch, London. On top of this, I have also been offering Logic Pro X and music production tutorials via Discord (let me know if you’re interested!). The video and mixing jobs are both my primary forms of income and these days – I won’t lie – most of it goes straight towards bills with very little leftover.
“Pre-pandemic, I had plenty of post-production, recording and mixing work at Old Street Studios. That was my main source of income, supplemented by the video work as a change pace. But as the lockdowns started in London, the studio shut down and everything came to a grinding halt. I only do the odd remote mixing here and there now.
That brings us here. I feel a great level of excitement and anticipation for where this page could end up going and hope that you can join me on my journey and support me and my endeavours as I trek through the perils and unpredictable storm that is otherwise known as ‘life’. My current circumstances have lead me down this path – one that I may not have originally considered. Yet it’s one that I feel like I will continue exploring for years to come.”
You can access Warne’s new Patreron account here.
“I have more to show than just the work I do with Kyros, so this is an opportunity for me to do exactly that,” he says.