
This is Guns N’ Roses’ Appetite For Destruction album covered in the style of Limp Bizkit, My Chemical Romance, Oasis and more

Steve Welsh tackles Guns N’ Roses’ Appetite For Destruction album in the style of 12 different artists, and the results are ridiculously impressive



Last week, we introduced you all to the wonders and extraordinary talents of Steve Welsh, who creates covers of covers of songs. In other words, the YouTuber/multi-talented musician performs legendary albums in full, while reconfiguring each song on the particular record to sound like it was actually covered by an entirely different artist. Got it? 

Last week it was Nirvana’s Nevermind album reimagined, and now the YouTuber has tackled another iconic album; Guns N’ Roses’ Appetite For Destruction, with similarly staggering results.

Kicking off with a rendition of album opener Welcome To The Jungle without any style alterations, Welsh shows off a first-rate Axl Rose impression, before shoving his voice down a few octaves with added grit to mimic the style of rock ‘n’ roll legend Lemmy, for a revamp of It’s So Easy in the style of Motorhead.

Welsh then covers Mr Brownstone with the Gallagher brothers in mind, and pulls off an extraordinary Oasis pastiche. BritPop fan or not, his laid-back reimagining of this normally rousing rock’n’roll anthem is totally great. So Noel, Liam, if you’re out there and fancy rekindling your brotherly bond, may Guns N’ Roses be your first option when it comes to selecting your future covers. 

For a welcome serving of nu-metal mayhem, Welsh moves onto Paradise City, while keeping to the punchy, rap-metal stylings of Limp Bizkit. 

Our personal favourite however is his rendition of My Michelle, carried out via a magnificently accurate impersonation of emo overlords My Chemical Romance. It’s My Michelle with bucket loads of added angst – what’s not to love?

Across the full album, Welsh additionally performs impressions of AC/DC, Rancid, The Cure, Smashing Pumpkins, Kiss, Danzig and W.A.S.P.

Check it out below:


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