Interstellar Resorption #3 is the new music video offering from Geiger von Müller’s CGI animation treasure trove. The undisputed pioneer of the ‘slide guitar meets sci-fi visuals’ movement paddles onto fresh waters this time round. Namely, his new animation video is not exactly sci fi, except perhaps for the final shot where we see the cosmos reabsorb all.
This minimalist video is themed around escape. In general, a tribute to all those in history who had to be on the run from peril. Or, even a symbolic tip o’ the hat to those fighting to break free from their everyday realities today. Meanhwhile, we find hidden visual links to a specific getaway story, the largely forgotten albeit colossal 1944 Vrba-Wetzler escape. In this day and age it’s an all important duty of the leftfield arts arena to pay tribute to underground heroes of the past, whom the system has by-and-large written off. Lest we should forget them before reality absorbs us all, on a cosmic, nay, interstellar scale.
The music is stripped down to a minimalist core, six strings buzzing solo. Sometimes played smooth, sometimes dissonant, building up to form von Muller’s trademark experimental blues-roots fabric. Some parts are played hard, there we see industrial smoke and dirt. Some parts are quiet, there a forest scene comes. Then, a sonic climax arrives with a moody mid section of psychedelia-spawned overtones and wacky sliding bass notes. This is matched with a surreal, cave-like video scene of lunar fluorescence, in neat perfection, winning ten points out of ten for video director Rob Sulman.
Ruby Red Run!, the album including the present single, was digitally released earlier this year. As of today, a limited edition CD version is available here.
All words via Paul Scott-Bates. More of Paul’s writing on Louder Than War can be found at his author’s archive. Paul’s website is hiapop and you can follow him on Twitter as @hiapop, and on Facebook here.