
We think we’ve just found the biggest wall of death ever

If you were at Hellfest in 2014 and found yourself in this gargantuan death pit, we salute you



We all have a story to tell when it comes to mosh pits. While you and your friends may argue over who’s been in the wildest, largest or most blood-thirsty crowd, we can pretty much silence your pit-measuring contest right here, right now, in one fell swoop. 

On all videos of this particular wall of death on the internet, you’ll find metalheads in the comments watching on in awe due to its ridiculously large size. And when we mean large, we mean large.

The death pit in question took place during the set of French heavy metal band Dagoba at Hellfest 2014, as they played their 2006 track It’s All About Time. And judging by the line-up, we imagine this moment was just one of many where crowds got overly excited, with Dagoba sharing the stage with an endless list of legendary heroes such as Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Soundgarden, Aerosmith, Megadeth, Slayer, Avenged Sevenfold, Rob Zombie and more. 

Within the video itself, a large rectangular gap in the audience can be seen widening, while trails of sand waft in the hot, French summer air. As the track explodes into a scathing scream, each side of the wall collapses as fans smack into each other in a war-like battle, as the surrounding sand aggressively churns up around them in a harsh, tornado-like haze. 

Fans re-created the scene at the same festival in 2019, although by the looks of it, it couldn’t quite manage to out-scale the first one.

Check it out below. Wish you were there, right?


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