Ella Ronen has returned with a compelling new offering, “The Girl With No Skin,” a complete musical journey that delves deep into indie pop realms with...
Legendary Canadian hardcore punks Fucked Up have released a new standalone single, “Being Annoying.” It’s separated into two tracks, “Being” and “Annoying.”
To celebrate fifty years of the Ramones, owners of the rights of the Ramones legacy announced the picture disc series of their albums. The self-titled debut...
Call the High Llamas a group if you’d like. But there’s been little doubt over the past 32 years that the Llamas begin and end with...
Welcome to our exclusive interview with Dan Rincon, the esteemed drummer of the legendary psych-rock band OSEES. Dan recently made waves with the announcement of his...
Genre: Black Metal Format: mp3 | CBR320kbps Country: Romania Size: 102 Tracklist: 1.Entrance 01:58 2.The Conjuring 04:39 3.The Architect’s Shrine 04:05 4.Black Veil 05:06 5.Stones and...
Genre: Atmospheric/Post-Black Metal Format: mp3 | CBR320kbps Country: Russian Federation Size: 141 Tracklist: 1.Forever with You 16:22 2.Ageless River Vi 06:44 3.I See Myself in Your...
Genre: Old School Death Metal Format: mp3 | CBR320kbps Country: Sweden Size: 85 Tracklist: 1. Defleshing Bones 03:04 2. Morbid Death 02:34 3. Stench of Burnt...
The Punk Rock Museum has announced that it is starting a boutique label. The label will release demo recordings on vinyl and msot copies will only...
From a tender age, Josh Russo found himself spellbound by the pulsating beats and gritty ethos of industrial music, along with the culture that thrived around...