
Bella Technika Released New Album “Solid State”

The Belgrade electronic band Bella Technika released their second studio album “Solid State”. Former Darkwood Dub members Bojan Drobac Bambi and Miki Ristić, together with singer Katarina Jovanović, bring the audience eight new songs for dance and musical hedonism. Three years after the successful debut album “Section”, Bella Technika continues its exploration of electro pop, once again backed by superb production. Seth Manchester (The Battles, The Body, Daughters, Javelin) […]



The Belgrade electronic band Bella Technika released their second studio album “Solid State”. Former Darkwood Dub members Bojan Drobac Bambi and Miki Ristić, together with singer Katarina Jovanović, bring the audience eight new songs for dance and musical hedonism. Three years after the successful debut album “Section”Bella Technika continues its exploration of electro pop, once again backed by superb production. Seth Manchester (The Battles, The Body, Daughters, Javelin) was again in charge of mixing the “Solid State” album, and the mastering was done by Berlin engineer Stefan Betke (Scape Mastering).

Famous music critic Moma Rajin wrote: “Experienced musicians, in peak of their careers, often play a safe card, technically perfecting what made them famous, but practically do not bring anything new. The younger ones, again, offer a handful of ideas, but so often they have neither the experience nor the knowledge to make them successful. In this case, Bella Technika’s second album, “Solid State”, has something that opposes both. In two words – a convincing combination of inspiration and experience. For all those who sincerely love and know techno pop, this can be the album they’ve been longing for, the one they miss after bands like Kraftwerk, New Order or Depeche Mode ceased to exist. Technically impeccably performed, with elegant bouncing and pulsating rhythms, it offers what music, regardless of type, style and genre, when it is truly quality and timeless, a touch of psychedelia. That touch that does not know and does not recognize space and time limitations. One of the main messages of the album is Search Yourself. I don’t suggest, but I recommend, listen to this message, it may happen to you not to be too hard on yourself. However, what I really believe in is that you will enjoy the journey. And, if that means anything to you, I had!”

Order “Solid State” HERE


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