Podcast: Alice Hour on Architects of Self-Destruction: A Leftover Crack podcast!
On August 10, Rare Bird Lit will release Architects of Self-Destruction: The Oral History of Leftover Crack. The book was co-written by Leftover Crack’s Brad Logan and Punknews’ John Gentile. You can pre-order it right here! Recently, the authors launched a 10 episode, limited run podcast. The program features Logan and Gentile interviewing people that contributed to the book. Interviews look at both the subjects’ interaction with LoC, and their life outside of the LoC orbit. The fourth episode includes an extended chat with Alice Hour of the UK’s In Evil Hour. Alice was part of the LoC crew on their last few European tours and supplied co-vocals. She also work sin mental health/education, and the episode addresses the intersection of punk, mental health, and working in the “normal” world. You can check out the episode below! You can check out the Mikey Erg episode below right now!