Here’s another interesting experimental release, which is also one of the latest published by the Unsigned , an avant-garde music label from Budapest, Hungary. Just as the vast portion of their previous releases, Unsigned follow some principles by releasing music on cassettes or compact discs. This time, I am dealing with a split cassette release between Púder & Pormeister Trió, Triste Ensemble, and Noisesculptor. The participants of this experimental split release are coming from Hungary. Each participant is present with a singular longevous composition that doesn’t exceed over half an hour, which seems logical because these compositions were recorded live during their performances. Each outlet nurtures a similar sonic appearance, but at some points, their performances are showcasing how distinctive they might sound.
Púder & Pormeister Trió is opening this split release with Pokoli Színjáték, a longevous number that reveals nearly every subgenre of experimental music you could think of at the moment. This trio explores experimental noise, harsh noise, noisecore, free jazz, musique concrete, ambient, industrial, glitch, time-stretching, and free improvisation. However, besides all the beforementioned subgenres, Púder & Pormeister Trió mostly relies upon harsh noise, noisecore, free jazz, and free improvisation. Their sense of dynamics, details, and ambiance is nearly impressive, so you’ll surely enjoy their performance if you’re into avant-garde music.
Triste Ensemble is coming up next with a completely different approach to sound, but their style touches the experimental branch as well. This act explores some danceable, meditative, obscure electronica, but in such a distinctive minimal ambient/repetitive manner. The continuous minimal techno beats serve as a base of the sound, while other movements, accentuations, and details are illustrating the brighter imagery of their approach to experimental electronic music. Such a unique project that definitely worth your attention if you’re looking for wisely produced/arranged electronica.
Noisesculptor is closing this interesting experimental split release with Skizoid Minutes. This particular act is no stranger to these pages, and I am more than familiar with his sound. Noisesculptor thoroughly explores genres such as industrial noise, harsh noise, ambient, and drone. The method how he combines these ingredients also differs from the remaining portion of the experimental noise scene. Each sequence has its own transition from calmy to more detailed to even more detailed segments. It seems like he always plans his performances, but in the end, better to be prepared than to sound repetitious like many other artists from the experimental noise scene.
It seems that Unsigned 3-Way Split Series serves as a cross-section of the contemporary Hungarian noise scene, which is more than a great idea if you want to explore the avant-garde music of this particular country. Unsigned done a tremendous job with this cassette release, and I can’t wait until next time they decide to publish the second edition of this series. Head over to the Unsigned Bandcamp page for more detailed information about the ordering.