
Punk Politics #47

So we’re just over a week past the white supremacist demonstration in the halls of congress. The mask hasn’t simply slipped off the Republican party, they tore it up and set fire to it. Blue lives only mattered when it … Continue reading



So we’re just over a week past the white supremacist demonstration in the halls of congress. The mask hasn’t simply slipped off the Republican party, they tore it up and set fire to it. Blue lives only mattered when it was useful for silencing black lives as they attacked cops and killed one. This was white racism plain and fuckin simple. They had tattoos, symbols and strung up an Odin cross in the Capitol. The most important thing to know is that this wasn’t even the main event. The white supremacists have been building a cultural infrastructure within the subculture of neo-nazi and Klan movements for several decades. I was warning on this 20 years ago. This was their coming out party to go fully mainstream within the fertile ground that Trump and both major parties have been dutifully tending since the Reagan administration. The Democrats are equally complicit as most of the party continues to accept this dominant paradigm of whiteness between selling bout and shutting down any revolutionary thought in their party. coming from a background of fighting Nazis in the streets, I honestly believe that absolute horror is gonna become a regular problem for normies and not just punks and Antifa. Neither of those are groups, they are ideological social movements. We can fight this and win. It’s a daily battle of one square inch at a time. We start by examining in killing our own bullshit. You’re not an Antiracist if you haven’t dealt with any prejudice that may reside in you and it ain’t revolution if you’re fakin the funk. The different factions of the “left” need to be fully intersectional. Everyone’s cause is everyone’s fight whether it’s Black Lives Matter, water protection, immigration band prison reform, economic and environmental justice. The line is in the fucking sand. We are all co-conspirators and accomplices, it’s simply a matter of which side you’re on. This isn’t all about fist fights. These are debates with people in our lives, these are being informed at the ballot boxes and confronting this hatred head on. This is a cancer and the treatment must be multi faceted. #punkvoter

– C Fish

Source: punxinsolidarity.com

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