Break in, break in. This is a call to arms. Trump is more or less on his way out. But it’s not at all a victory as Biden is more of the same. We need to start right the fuck … Continue reading →
Break in, break in. This is a call to arms. Trump is more or less on his way out. But it’s not at all a victory as Biden is more of the same. We need to start right the fuck now if we want things to change in any meaningful way. My answer is Punk Voter. What is this? Nothing new. It was a movement during Bush’s first term to have the whole punk community get out the vote that was largely led by some bands I highly respect and Fat Mike. This movement had some pitfalls as it had a single minded objective of getting GW out of office (Kerry would not have been an improvement). After Bush won a second term this was largely abandoned by the “stars” and framework that was buffering it. No shade intended, but we don’t need stars. Punk is movement from the underground up. It starts with the kid in the garage or basement that wants to do something and has the guts to take it out to the streets. This isn’t just for the punx. It’s for all who are still the kid going “things are shit right now, but we can do better”. Yes, we can have change via the vote of we start taking action and stop accepting whatever garbage they throw before us every 4 years. So I am asking who wants to be a part of this and work some real progress? If we pool our minds and resources, shit can be different. If you read this and it speaks to you, hit me up with ideas and let’s build the underground network. #punkvoter