
Régicide – Immortels EP

Allow me, if you will, to describe the journey I went on with this record. A week or two ago, someone I know and trust when it comes to good music posted this album describing it using the same turn of phrase the band uses on their Bandcamp page: “medieval oi!” Admittedly, I thought those […]

The post Régicide – Immortels EP first appeared on DIY Conspiracy – International Zine in the Spirit of DIY Hardcore Punk!



Artist: Régicide

Title: Immortels

Release: EP / Digital

Year: 2023

Label: Moonkeep Records

Allow me, if you will, to describe the journey I went on with this record.

A week or two ago, someone I know and trust when it comes to good music posted this album describing it using the same turn of phrase the band uses on their Bandcamp page: “medieval oi!” Admittedly, I thought those two words next to each other sounded pretty absurd. Street punk is about the last genre I could imagine crossing with anything vaguely “medieval” sounding. Sounds gimmicky, I thought, and kept scrolling.

I mean, sure, the art was cool, and that made me scroll back and give it a second look. A wood carving style drawing of a bird person in front of a burning castle? That’s objectively awesome. So I click on it.

The band is called Régicide, and their Bandcamp page says “Love music, hate fascism,” and “TUE TON ROI” (“KILL YOUR KING”).

So I think “okay, fine, you got me, Régicide. I’m not made of stone. I’ll click play. But I still don’t see how something could be called medieval oi, it just seems like…” [15 seconds later.] “…This is medieval oi. That’s exactly what this is.”

[4 minutes later.] “This is really fun.” [One week after listening constantly to this EP later.] “This is the best thing I’ve heard all year.”

In all seriousness, this kind of sounds like trad heavy metal in the vein of bands like Manilla Road or Cirith Ungol, but with a catchy, punk edge. It really is a great blending of different genres and styles into something almost unbelievably anthemic. If “medieval oi” sounds silly to you, like it did to me, I’m begging you, please hit play anyway. Régicide will absolutely get you pumping your fist, and you’ll understand exactly how they came to call themselves that. I look forward to hearing more from them, hopefully soon.

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Source: diyconspiracy.net

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