
The Kindest People – Director’s Cut

The Kindest People are returning with another brilliant material. Like their previous recordings, this particular album is one of many from the series of conceptual releases. Each release follows a specific concept, decorated by an appropriate music genre. Therefore, their material recorded in 2016 carries surf rock aesthetics, recording from 2018 includes elements of garage… Read More The Kindest People – Director’s Cut



The Kindest People are returning with another brilliant material. Like their previous recordings, this particular album is one of many from the series of conceptual releases. Each release follows a specific concept, decorated by an appropriate music genre. Therefore, their material recorded in 2016 carries surf rock aesthetics, recording from 2018 includes elements of garage rock, the recording from 2020 brings Appalachian and blues-inspired compositions. This string of records carries simplistic names like Version I, Version II, and Companions. The Kindest People released a couple of more full-lengths between, such as Idle Revival (2017) and the Observation Of The Alternate (2019). Director’s Cut is their latest full-length edition that continues the conceptual album series, and I would like to talk a bit more about it today.

Director’s Cut includes twelve cleverly arranged indie rock songs, heavily inspired by garage rock, rock’n’roll, alternative rock, alternative pop, and indie-pop. You may hear how The Kindest People direct these genres into polyphonous harmony, but the group also explores and experiments even further. The garage rock elements are unquestionably the most dominant, but you may also notice how the group involves rock’n’roll and surf rock ingredients along the way. There’s also a strong presence of alternative, indie, and power pop that defines their admiration towards mellow-sounding but ear-appealing tunes. The band explores vast universes of complementary musical genres in search of adequate options that will elevate their music even more.

You may notice how their music sounds like the fifties danceable rock’n’roll at some points but also heads towards the aesthetics of late-seventies art-rock. Then the group takes another throwback to sixties power pop, decorated by the dirtiness of garage rock. Still, The Kindest People are jumping back to the contemporary indie rock and indie pop waters with such ease, but their experimentations are far from over. Their songs are written, composed, recorded, arranged, and recorded to perfection. You will solely grasp their energy, mainly because of the melodic structures, loads of harmonies, and dynamic performance by the entire group. It’s nearly mindblowing how these compositions are easily falling under the indie rock branch, but Director’s Cut represents everything you could demand from this particular genre.

Director’s Cut deals with a filmmaker and his adventures to expose the truth about the origin of the anxieties of humankind but also talks about the inner voice that sometimes directs our thoughts in different directions. Such an interesting concept that will keep you entertained and occupied for a while. Director’s Cut is available at streaming services such as Spotify and Bandcamp.


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