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Christina Aguilera Physically Attacked 21-Year Old Singer

Pink recently claimed that Christina Aguilera wanted to throw hands during the ‘Lady Marmalade’ shoot. It is something that she says is ancient history. It seems that it allegedly happened. Pink drops bold claims The singer spilled the beans to Chris Wallace on his weekly show, ‘Who’s Talking,’ opening up about some apparent tension she […]

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Pink recently claimed that Christina Aguilera wanted to throw hands during the ‘Lady Marmalade’ shoot. It is something that she says is ancient history. It seems that it allegedly happened.

Pink drops bold claims

The singer spilled the beans to Chris Wallace on his weekly show, ‘Who’s Talking,’ opening up about some apparent tension she says manifested on set when they were filming the music video way back in 2001. According to Pink, Xtina confronted her aggressively.

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A devoted pro wrestling fan for more than a decade who feels fortunate to express the love for the art through writing. A passionate learner in the world of professional writing, and an ardent Manchester United fan. Happy to be bringing his experience of writing thousands of sports entertainment stories to the world of music fans.


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