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Red Hot Chili Peppers Mess Up Guitar Solo In Video

It’s a miracle that it doesn’t happen more often. Even the world’s supposed “greatest” musicians suffer from ailments like the rest of us. Guitarist for the band Red Hot Chili Peppers, John Frusciante more recently got a cramp in his fingers while attempting to play at a live event. As per Ultimate Guitar, One of […]

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It’s a miracle that it doesn’t happen more often. Even the world’s supposed “greatest” musicians suffer from ailments like the rest of us. Guitarist for the band Red Hot Chili Peppers, John Frusciante more recently got a cramp in his fingers while attempting to play at a live event.

As per Ultimate Guitar, One of the most vital aspects of a guitar player’s routine should be the warm-up – essential to keeping your stamina intact while lowering your risk of injury. But, even with a well-structured warm-up, occasional mishaps occur, as one Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante can atest.

During the band’s live performance in Australia, Frusciante, who takes exceptional pride in his extensive warm-up regimen, was suddenly struck by a somewhat embarrassing cramp during an incendiary guitar solo in “Suck My Kiss”. It couldn’t have arrived a more inappropriate time. Fortunately, John was able to overcome and move on from the temporal embarrassment. It certainly will not be the last time that John might “cramp up”, as long as he focuses a little more intently on his warm-up routine. 

However, the musician was quick to react, stretching his hand and going back to shredding in the blink of an eye. 


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