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Blueburst – Amplify Me

Blueburst is a synonym for good music. After listening to Train In Vain, Supernova, and Vanish, three singles this exceptional Atlanta-based singer, songwriter, and musician released this year, I can only conclude that no one writes better indie songs than him. Amplify Me is another example of my statement. Blueburst‘s latest single shines bright with […]



Blueburst is a synonym for good music. After listening to Train In Vain, Supernova, and Vanish, three singles this exceptional Atlanta-based singer, songwriter, and musician released this year, I can only conclude that no one writes better indie songs than him. Amplify Me is another example of my statement. Blueburst‘s latest single shines bright with all the qualities of late eighties and early nineties indie rock sound while simultaneously bursting with some of the best sonic maneuvers alternative rock could offer. Of course, many artists and bands blend these two music genres, but no one goes in-depth like Blueburst. You’ll notice some other sonic ingredients borrowed from grunge, punk rock, or classic rock of the same era, but these elements serve as more than necessary enhancements, accentuations, and decorations that unquestionably uplift Amplify Me on an entirely new level.

  • Blueburst
  • Blueburst

Like the remainder of Blueburst‘s works, Amplify Me carries a cathartic ambiance, achieved by combining brilliant ideas with exceptional musicianship. Every detail invested into this song resonates with power and groove but simultaneously offers loads of melodies and harmonies. You’ll immediately notice how cleverly assembled chord progressions and riffs shape up the beforementioned ambiance while the warm-sounding basslines provide more clarity and density to all those guitar maneuvers. Amplify Me wouldn’t sound this good without groovy, flawlessly accentuated moderate beats, breaks, drum fills, and other percussive acrobatics that perfectly suit this composition. Of course, Craig Douglas Miller offers an outstanding vocal performance that nicely fits into this sonic equation, and I couldn’t imagine anyone else fronting the band than him. Blueburst continues to amaze with every new piece of work, and Amplify Me is a perfect example of a band that knows how to deliver the finest qualities of indie music. The single is available on all streaming services.



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