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Giorgio Romelsky: For Your Love By Francis Dumaurier

Some individuals or groups are solely responsible for starting or shaping particular cultural movements without thinking about how their actions could affect the future of the underground, mainstream, or pop music scene. Their tremendous impact on art, music, or any other cultural phenomenon can still be seen decades after, with those people not even taking […]



Some individuals or groups are solely responsible for starting or shaping particular cultural movements without thinking about how their actions could affect the future of the underground, mainstream, or pop music scene. Their tremendous impact on art, music, or any other cultural phenomenon can still be seen decades after, with those people not even taking credit for it. Of course, the public doesn’t see what’s happening behind the curtains, and they usually don’t care too much about it because they came to see the show, concert, exhibition, or any other cultural event. Still, those who care probably heard of Giorgio Gomelsky, a public figure responsible for managing some of the greatest names in the history of rock ‘n’ roll music. His life and career deserve at least a couple of books to grasp everything he did for the worldwide music scene during his lifetime.

However, if you’re somehow unfamiliar with the activities of Giorgio Gomelsky, you should know he was mostly known for being an original manager for Rolling Stones and Yardbirds but also worked with acts like Magma or Gong later in his career. With the opus like this, you can imagine what he experienced or saw by working with these renowned names. All these stories could fit at least ten books worth of material. Therefore, For Your Love is an appropriate starter for anyone delving deep into the sixties and seventies rock ‘n’ roll history. Of course, Giorgio Gomelsky never wanted to be in the limelight, and he was too much of a humble guy who wanted to help others shine. Therefore, he never published these stories by himself until Francis Dumaurier, French actor and his longtime friend, compiled them in this book. Of course, other friends like Larry Birnbaum, Madeleine Carr, Raul Gonzalez, Brian Gooding, Bob Gruen, Roman Iwasiwka, Amy Madden, Jesse Malin, and Bradley Rim helped out by recollecting their stories and their impressions about Gomelsky.

It’s hard writing about a book like this without exposing it too much, so I will stick with my impressions about the book. You’ll immediately assume that Romelsky led a fascinating life since he shaped a British rock ‘n’ roll subculture during the sixties, the French rock scene during the seventies, and then led a recording studio in New Yorkd during the eighties. He was at the epicenter of all main subcultural, cultural, art, and music events at the time, and he met many intriguing characters along the way. This book collects those stories, and you’ll have a chance to read them firsthand. From his first meetings with Rolling Stones, Yardbirds, Magma, and Gong, over managing those bands, a rivalry between Rolling Stones and The Beatles, and many more wild, mesmerizing, interesting stories, this book offers everything you need to know about one of the most significant characters in the history of rock ‘n’ roll music. From glamorous London to the overcrowded streets of New York, For Your Love carries so much information and detail. Of course, you’ll have a pleasant read from scratch to finish, even if you’re not into rock ‘n’ roll at all. Besides these stories, you’ll find a comprehensive collection of never seen photos, plus a foreword by Rick Reese. It’s a must-read for any true fan of music history. Head to Aurora Metro Books for more information about ordering.



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