Jovana, a Greek synthpop project born as a creative side project from the renowned dark-wave duo Selofan, has unveiled a mesmerizing music video for their single “MHXANH.” Created during the pandemic lockdown as a means to “protect their sanity,” Jovana emerges as a vibrant and colorful sonic landscape, diverging from Selofan’s usual murky palette by exploring new synthpop sounds while keeping the captivating quality of their music intact.
The surreal music video for “MHXANH,” conceived by Jovana, came to life with the help of director Tassos Gkoletsos (Kato Apo Tin Patission). Shot in Athens in February 2023, the captivating visuals pay homage to the city, featuring its unique culture and atmosphere.
The video stars a woman ready for a night out, when she stumbles upon a mysterious mirror ball within the chalk outline of a body, a possible nod to the death of disco. Intrigued, she embarks on a journey through the city; a surreal journey through the neon-lit streets, into the heart of the underground with her newfound mirror ball companion, hoping to uncover its origins.
As the night unfolds, they arrive at the Teddy Boy Bar, where the mirror ball finally finds its true form and transforms into a Classical Greek-masked spirit, haunting the establishment with its otherworldly presence. Through its striking visuals and haunting soundtrack, the video explores themes of death, rebirth, and the enduring power of music to transcend time and space.
Watch below: