“Different Formations” by War Violet is a mesmerizing and captivating single that showcases the immense talent and creativity of Olajumoke Aremu, the New York-based singer-songwriter and mastermind behind the project. This beautiful song focuses entirely on Aremu’s emotive, sincere, confident, and powerful vocal performance, which shines with a perfect balance of low, mid, and high […]
“Different Formations” by War Violet is a mesmerizing and captivating single that showcases the immense talent and creativity of Olajumoke Aremu, the New York-based singer-songwriter and mastermind behind the project. This beautiful song focuses entirely on Aremu’s emotive, sincere, confident, and powerful vocal performance, which shines with a perfect balance of low, mid, and high notes. From the very beginning, it is evident that Aremu has thoughtfully crafted this song, incorporating delicate instrumentations that complement and enhance her vocals in every segment. The collision between arpeggiated chord progressions and string instruments creates a seamless and harmonious backdrop for her voice. The result is a calm, soothing, and ethereal ambiance that is almost mindblowing. As the song progresses, the instrumentations become more complex, gradually building up to a cathartic and emotionally charged soundscape.