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Aiming For Enrique: stream new two-part single Empty Airports

Norwegian ambient electro duo Aiming For Enrike will release their new album, Empty Airports, in January



Norwegian ambient electro duo Aiming For Enrike have streamed their brand new single, which comes in two parts; Empty Airports Pt. 2 and Pt. 3, both of which you can listen to below.

The singles are taken from the duo’s upcoming album, also called Empty Airports, which will be released through Jansen Records on January 20 next year

“A slowly growing, hypnotic and minimalistic track that goes through subtle changes in a musical landscape that is more ambient, melancholic and electronic sounding than our previous releases, ” is how the duo, who recently appeared at ArcTanGent Festival and have toured with Leprous, describe the new singles.

Musically Aiming For Enrike take influence variously from the likes of Nils Frahm, Burial, Jon Hopkins and Sunn O))). Empty Airports‘ title touches on the stopped nature of the COVID world, a sense of the post-apocalyptic, and is a tip of the hat to Brian Eno‘s seminal Music for Airports.

Empty Airports is our most minimalistic and ambient record so far,” the pair add. “Most of the tracks explore simple and repetitive musical themes over long stretches of time in a warm and electronic sounding landscape. Even though there is always a red line going through our discography, this feels like a pretty big change from our previous record which we basically think of as a dance record. Empty Airports is more of a contemplative, hypnotic and introspective kind of record even though it has some pretty danceable parts.”

Pre-order Empty Airports.
