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Dave Mustaine once peed on the White House floor, because that’s what Dave Mustaine does

“I had to,” says Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine of badly-aimed White House bathroom break



Dave Mustaine isn’t a stranger to saying dumb shit onstage, as anyone who was at the infamous Megadeth show at the Antrim Forum in Northern Ireland in 1988, where he drunkenly expressed support for the IRA, can vouch.

It’s good to know that, almost 35 years later, he’s still up there, talking bollocks. During a stop-off in Tucson, Arizona on Megadeth’s current US tour, MegaDave praised the metal community for the way it handled itself before veering off to reminisce about the time he was invited to the White House back in 1992, and how he used the opportunity to urinate on one of the bathroom floors.

Speaking onstage at the Tuscon Arena in a break between songs, Mustaine said: ‘I want you guys to know that I’ve lived through a lot of different eras in the United States and seen different things, and one thing that makes me the most proud of everything here in our country is you guys, the way that you are handling yourselves and the way that… as the metal community.

“There’s a lot of people that go out there and they say things and they totally embarrass themselves. And I want you guys to know how proud I am to represent you.

“When I went up to the White House, I was so proud to be able to go up there and say, ‘Fuck you. You think we’re stupid? We are not stupid.’

“By the way, when I went into the White House, I went into the royal – whatever the fuck it’s called – White House bathroom, and I peed on the floor. I had to. I had to.”

On the one hand, Mustaine was doing was rock stars are expected to do. On the other hand, talking about metal fans not embarrassing themselves and then admitting to pissing on a bathroom floor just because, y’know, he could, is pretty embarrassing in itself. Did he think then-President George HW Bush was going to go in and clean it up after him?

Megadeth are currently on tour in the US with Lamb Of God, Trivium, In Flames and an army of cleaners to mop up after their frontman has used the bathroom.
