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Local Mad Man: Local Mad Man – album review

The latest release from sky-shouting South London hardcore enthusiasts, Local Mad Man continues the pace set by their first two EPs.

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Local Mad Man

Local Mad ManLocal Mad Man: Local Mad Man



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The latest release from sky-shouting South London hardcore enthusiasts, Local Mad Man continues the pace set by their first two EPs.

Just like that famous product for keeping out water, Local Mad Man do what it says on the tin. The hyper-angry roaring vocals are the sound of a tormented man finally pushed over the edge. He wanders around in his ice hockey shirt, shouting at the sky. You’d better hope he ain’t shouting at you! I’ve seen this lot in the flesh and the live experience is even more gripping. Reaching out for useful comparisons, I’d ask you to consider the vocals of Sedition crossed with Citizens Arrest as a starting point.

Short snappy tunes are powered along by speedy beats, frequently punctuated by snare fills and heavy floor toms. This is music inspired by fast-moving US hardcore.

The raw, over-driven guitar still has the sharp rough edges that too much distortion can sometimes smooth away. Consequently, the constant thrashing starts to generate its own harmonics. Occasionally, some of the guitar lines use that octave approach common in a lot of pop punk, but if this sounds like a pop punk band, it is only after it has been put through a cement mixer full of razor blades.

The bass has a rattly and chunky distorted bottom with the occasional top end ping, which combines with the guitar and drums to create a whirlwind of havoc.

This is another pulsing beat from the heart of the South London DIY punk scene. Local Mad Man are one of many of the scene’s bands who have been recorded by John Youens of South London Punk Collective/Slow Faction in sessions at Deptford’s Overdrive Studios. These sessions capture the energy, passion and rawness without sacrificing quality. Played by DIY punks, recorded by DIY punks in a studio run by DIY punks. Download It Yourself from Bandcamp.

Local Mad Man are also on Facebook.


Words by Nathan Brown. Check out his Louder Than War Author Archive.

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