As the sea shanty craze continues to spiral across the internet, this time the bizarre trend has landed in the capable hands of Trivium’s Matt Heafy, who sang, produced and played along to his own metal version of the Wellerman to over 83 thousand people on Twitch.
Heafy’s version may start off like your usual shanty, but is soon joined by a chorus of blast beats and mammoth riffing, because really, that’s what every sea shanty needs — a good ol’ dosing of heavy metal.
If you’re wondering what strange memes may be next in the line for the internet to obsess over, maybe check with Matt Heafy, as he already shredded along to Sea Shanty 2 from Runescape two years on his YouTube channel.
Heafy’s next session will stream this Friday from 10am PT / 1pm ET, where he’ll be premiering his collab with Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda, who will be producing the track live.
Check out Heafy’s sea shanty below: