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Vote for the greatest nu metal song of all-time

Blind, Rollin’, In The End – we’ve assembled the finest nu metal bangers and need your help to crown the GOAT.



You must have heard by now: nu metal is officially back. From the blockbusting Sick New World festival (in which pretty much every nu metal band in history will descend on Las Vegas for a day in May) to the brilliant Crazy Ass Moments In Nu Metal History twitter feed, the last few years have had looking wistfully back at the era of wallet chains, JNCOs and the Millennium Bug.

But let’s be honest here. One of the reasons for nu metal’s enduring popularity is that it threw up some truly epic tunes. Limp Bizkit, Korn, (early) Deftones, hell, even Crazy Town – from MTV to your local rock club dancefloor, their songs were all inescapable.

But what’s the all-time greatest nu metal song? That’s a question that has vexed experts, philosophers and members of Mushroomhead for the past 20 years. However, none of them thought to ask the most clued-up people of all – you. That’s right, we’re running a poll to determine the greatest nu metal song of all time.

A few things to flag up. Firstly, we’re going for classic-era nu metal – that’s broadly the period from 1994 to 2003. Secondly, there’s a maximum of five songs per band, otherwise the poll would be made up entirely of tracks by Korn, Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park. Thirdly, some bands moved on from nu metal pretty quickly, and we’ve taken that into account (Slipknot’s debut album? Nu metal. Anything Slipknot did afterwards? Not nu metal). 

Hey, we don’t make the rules. Well, actually we do… But that’s enough waffle. Let’s cut to the important stuff. As a wise man once asked. are you ready?
