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Punk Politics #109 About Anti-Flag

By now pretty much all of us have heard about Anti-Flag disbanding and the likely logical conclusion being that it is directly because of SA being levied against Justin Sane. All of this has made it feel like the world just rotated sideways out from under me. If Justin did this, then fuck him unquestioningly. That’s not a hard one. There’s a lot of personal difficulty reconciling how I feel about their work considering how important it’s been to me over the last 22 years. For now, I’m just gonna pack them in a box because I can’t honestly just …



By now pretty much all of us have heard about Anti-Flag disbanding and the likely logical conclusion being that it is directly because of SA being levied against Justin Sane. All of this has made it feel like the world just rotated sideways out from under me. If Justin did this, then fuck him unquestioningly. That’s not a hard one. There’s a lot of personal difficulty reconciling how I feel about their work considering how important it’s been to me over the last 22 years. For now, I’m just gonna pack them in a box because I can’t honestly just throw out their work. The answer of “it not longer holds up” is equally valid for everyone thinking that. Underground Network is the direct reason for the blog and all of the underground work I do. So what does all that mean now? I don’t know. I’m still gonna take that influence and do my work. There’s songs that just have to be left off the soundtrack now. I don’t think the other members knew about any of this. I’ll always love and defend what this band has done for me. Post 9/11 their music was the first thing making me feel less alone in a new town while dealing with all the white whine because I don’t we should kill brown people just because someone hurt a couple buildings after we’d been asking for it for about 30 years based on our own previous actions against those people. And countless other emotional incidences I have tied to Anti-Flag. For now, I’ve put them in a box because I’m not presently able to fully assess my own feelings on their art and I can only go around the same block so many times. I have other things to do like the work their art has inspired me to do. Punching up at our constantly abusive system white attempting to provide information is a lot more impactful than any band I’m not currently reviewing. So know that your answer on your relationship with their work is valid and that only works in reciprocation with others. So step lightly with ya self. I know I’ve repeated statements. It happens when it takes days or weeks to write something emotional. I’m rolling with it because it’s easier for me than editing into a way that would be at all readable. See below for my other entries on this including a playlist of amazingly based artists from multiple genres that aren’t A-F. It makes it easier.

– C Fish


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