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Punk Politics #116 NOAA straight on one!

Let me begin by asking everyone who reads this to at least share and check the links provided below. This isn’t about me, it’s about trying to unfuck the planet because our purpose is to be caretakers and stewards of the land, not abusers. Action can still be taken as of publishing this post In a bid to establish further marine sanctuary area on the Central California coast NOAA decided to exclude a sizeable piece of Chumash marine area so the it could become an offshore wind farm. What’s that? Indigenous getting fucked by the government for capitalism you say? …



Let me begin by asking everyone who reads this to at least share and check the links provided below. This isn’t about me, it’s about trying to unfuck the planet because our purpose is to be caretakers and stewards of the land, not abusers. Action can still be taken as of publishing this post

In a bid to establish further marine sanctuary area on the Central California coast NOAA decided to exclude a sizeable piece of Chumash marine area so the it could become an offshore wind farm. What’s that? Indigenous getting fucked by the government for capitalism you say? Of fuckin course the genocide continues. NOAA themselves have admitted that they’re concerned about how these offshore wind farms may impact sea life, so why the fuck would they want to leave dead center of sea otter territory out? To increase the insult, the Chumash were the ones who spearheaded the movement for the Central Coast to be a marine sanctuary so we can all have a chance of seeing the marine wildlife in the wild. A nob sanctuary designation leaves that area open to other capitalist fuckery such as oil and deep sea mining as well. Remember, pollution doesn’t understand boundaries. Please sign and share the letter because we only get one eco system.



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